Naeset-Roe Inn

A Stoughton Wisconsin Bed and Breakfast Inn

Phone: 608-877-4150

    Enjoying the Porch The Back Yard up close IMG_0639 Spring In Stoughton
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Celebrity in the house!

We were so pleased to have Cynthia Ruchti recently stay here at Naeset Roe.  She is the award winning author of 15 books and counting. For 33 years she has written and produced “The Heartbeat of the Home,” a radio broadcast recognized across the country.  Cynthia is an inspiring motivational speaker. I count myself lucky that I was able to attend one of her workshops.  She recently agreed to work as a mentor to up and coming writers.  I am so glad she did because we also had the pleasure to have her intern, Jamie, stay with us.  Scott and I can’t say enough good things about those two ladies.  We thoroughly enjoyed visiting with them.  Can’t wait to see where life leads them and look forward to seeing them again.

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